How to Win People with Ethics and Decency
Author: Frank Hagenow
- 196 pages
- 22,9 x 15,2 cm
- Hardcover
24,90 € inkl. MwSt.
Vorrätig (kann nachbestellt werden)
How to Win People with Ethics and Decency
Author: Frank Hagenow
Vorrätig (kann nachbestellt werden)
„Psychological tricks are like Lotto millions: none of us would object to having them, but they ultimately benefit only a few. In the end, most players lose out.“
Managers‘ daily lives revolve around numbers, statistics, competition and – eventual – success. However, what frequently remains overlooked is the fact that leadership mostly means managing relationships. Often, the interpersonal level is seen as inconvenience that takes up valuable time and slows down work progress. Why not cut all this short by taking up some clever mind games? End conflicts before they really begin?
However, this kind of thinking is too short-sighted: to achieve success and bind employees in the long run managers are well-advised to stay away from presumedly easy and fast ruses. Leaders bear responsibility. That includes responsibility for treating employees ethically. In that, there is no room for tricks and power games. The key for a decent and respectful contact lies in the appreciation you show others. And that begins with your personal attitudes.
Therefore, knowing common mind games is important. Not, however, to gain personal advantage but to eliminate them. Frank Hagenow shows what mind games are, how to unveil them and how to develop a leadership style based on values. He provides you with effective tool, tips and checklists to use in every day work life in order to expand your competences in ethical leadership – because ethical leadership is your key competitive advantage, leading to more output and success.
Dr. Frank Hagenow ist Spezialist für Kommunikationstraining und im Bereich Kommunikation für Führungskräfte. Er unterstützt Unternehmen und Manager dabei, langfristig vertrauensvolle Beziehungen zu Mitarbeitern sowie Kunden aufzubauen und in schwierigen Situationen die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Der promovierte Diplom-Psychologe hat außerdem Freizeit- und Tourismuswissenschaften in Hamburg studiert. Als Kommunikations-Psychologe hat er viele Seminare für Führungskräfte sowie Konflikt-Klärungen durchgeführt und zahlreiche Top-Manager in seinen Coachings begleitet. Er blickt darüber hinaus auf eigene, langjährige Erfahrungen als psychologischer Gutachter und Führungskraft zurück.
Dr. Frank Hagenow besitzt die europaweite Anerkennung als Psychologist EuroPsy (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations – EFPA) und wurde durch den amerik. Rednerverband (National Speakers Association – NSA) als Certified Speaking Professional – CSP™ ausgezeichnet. Seine Vorträge führen ihn immer wieder auf internationales Parkett.
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